Phoenix Mission: I Could Be Wrong...But
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05-29-2008, 06:50 PM
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Oct 2005
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dear friends,
joseph takes a look at the recent anomalies with the mars phoenix mission...
be well, be love.
mars phoenix lander questions
report #140
may 28, 2008
joseph p. skipper
j. p. skipper can be contacted at:
here is my quicky report on the phoenix lander and some of its issues perhaps not covered by others. this is in response to a lot of email i'm getting requesting this, so here goes.
the above first image is a scene across a plain as seen from the phoenix lander reportedly newly landed successfully on mars. as most of you no doubt know by now, the phoenix lander is a stationary lander that does not move around on mars. it has a articulating arm and digger on the end of it much like backhoe machinery that can dig holes within reach near the lander to about two foot deep. it collects soil samples in this way around the lander and processes them in an onboard lab that then sends the raw data back to earth. at least that's the well promoted story on it.
as you can see in the above image, the terrain around the lander is very empty and level off in the distance and appears to consist only of raw geological material otherwise known as rocks and soil. in the distance pointed out with the arrow is a bright white color vertically oriented object that stands out sharply in the background like a beacon saying look at me over here. for the most part this is the only anomalous looking object in this terrain around the lander and others have already noted this object in their reporting. now below is a closer look at it.
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