Understanding Ascension Information
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05-28-2008, 11:58 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
hi ej -
i too agree that carla's channelings are authentic. when i read channeled information - i always look at it with an open perspective - meaning some resonates and some may not.
that may just be that i'm not ready or evolved to accept the things that don't resonate or perhaps they are colored by the channels personality and beliefs that don't align with mine. i don't view this as judgement - just seeking my truths and bringing in light as it comes.
i think where you might sense some skeptiscm - is really my concern when i see many that regard information from any channel as "the absolute truth". or in other words - ok- this is the truth that i'm adopting and will live with this as my absolute guiding principles. having been around this stuff for awhile - i see where certain people "close down" their openess or ability to expand their consciouness because that have chosen a discourse like a prescription for their lives.
isn't this one of the roots of what we may call "religion"? - which in my opinion is an old 3d construct on its way out for the 4d'ers!
seeking is part of what we do. i think of it as the motivator that brings us to the light. in infinite intelligence - the seeking can never be concluded - as the intelligence changes and expands. it's a paradox in this dimension - but perhaps not in higher realms. that is why i have learned that seeking is part of the journey - and staying open is one of the keys to mastery.
these comments are not directed at ll research/carla. but as an example - if you study the 80's ra material and compare it to todays qu'o - you will see that much has evolved and been refined. it's changing and expanding as it should.
blessings & light -
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