Hello Africa
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11-06-2008, 02:41 AM
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Oct 2005
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hello all. i have been discovering the constant of change and how it applies to my and our lives. i had started meditating and have stopped now for two months, not because i don't see its benefits or its 'preferable neccessity' but because i feel there is something that i must come to terms with before truly commiting myself to it. it has been two terrible months filled with family deaths and national crises but also containing self discovery and discovery of like minded individuals......many like minded individuals.
i have lost two dearly loved uncles and national heroes to tradgedies and this sombre trend of funerals doesn't seem to be letting up.....u guys have to understand this is a small country(well in population...we're probably well over a quarter as big as the us in landsize) and these deaths are not only family losses but losses felt by the nation as the recent deaths are the freedom fighters who gave their all to see our independence from apartheid s.a. not two decades ago. through all this pain of loss though, there is a banding together of people who are awakening to is marvellous being part of this transition in concsiousness. i might not be giving the extent of this awakening justice as the socio-economic dynamics of namibia coupled with its his(
)story are not easy to summarize in terms which will give reader's in the north-western hemisphere a good understanding of it, but darn heck i daresay people are waking up at a rate that.....i don't even know, but i am extremely happy to be part of this.
i do not want to justify being 'political' mr.admin but africa has got socio-economic dynamics which are very, very different than what most of you readers are used to or understand, having stated that, i have to say that keeping myself aware of the world geo-political situation is instrumental in guiding the process of my growth. as you all know, zimbabwe is a very big issue here...but with a very different viewpoint about it than you hear in the western news, mainstream or alternative. it is the only southern african country with well known standing megaliths which, in my view, adds to my conviction that nobody but the guys at the very top (and i don't mean mugabe or tsvangerai) know what's really going on is a heavy issue which is catalyzing a lot of the youth to question the stance africa has on a geo-political scale and subsequently their individual persepectives on things such as our history and our role in the development of modern human concsiousness. i am not endorsing any side of it, least of all the violence, but it is a very african..especially southern african issue.
i do find it strange sometimes that a lot of people here seem to be more aware of the geo-political situation on earth than your average american reporter, and i am not giving geo-politics or any other 'earthly' conviction more credence than the need to discover oneself spiritually on an individual basis but it seems that here, the spiritual awakening and knowledge of history and geo-politics, on which i think many africans are gaining a unique perspective on through technology and our african cultural context, are inextricably least for the time being. the basic principles observed in tloo, seem already to be part of many cultures across africa(and the world but i am from here) i am discovering for thousands of years before colonialism took place and i believe that coupled with the fact that we are not so entrenched in 'free-market consumerism' as many eastern and western nations will provide for the rise of a remarkedly different perspective on how the healing of our planet and peoples can be engaged.
i am not trying to play a 'special' card but i think one must admit that africa is...different, and as linked we are to the rest of the world through our collective humanity there are many issues still played out in the old geo-socio-econo-politcal stage which because of our culture is one that sets it apart from the world in some aspects just as surely as japan's issues differ from germany's.
i am very excited to be part of whatever it is that is happening because my intution tells me that, ultimately, it is good. i extend an offer of conversation to anyone with interest to discuss the changes taking place here. esoterism and real world issue are so intertwined in everday african life, it took me a good while just to notice it...i am very excited!
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