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Old 11-05-2008, 04:29 AM   #19

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Oct 2005
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do you mean the avatar we use here?

i use onething on a couple of forums. it refers to a huge spiritual breakthrough i had many years ago, in which i got hooked up to the divine energy, the living water of life, love and wisdom. it taught me many things, and teaches me still. one day i stood out on the lawn thinking of the judeo-christian concept of the potter-and-clay god and universe, of the catholic stance that god created the world "ex-nihilo" - out of nothing, and i saw with my third eye that this was not so, or at least not in the way i had previously understood it, but rather that god can be the only source of everything and that therefore everything arises out of god. it may have seemed to be a nothingness, maybe it was just a thought that gave rise to heavier matter - but it all comes out of god and i also realized that god must be connected to everything or otherwise that would mean something could be cut off and outside the influence of god, which is impossible, for nothing can exist on its own. so therefore, as i said it to myself at the time, "all there is, is one thing." and all things really are god, because they are of god.

and almost twenty years earlier, when i was a teenager, i had read in a book that an indian hindu person was enlightened as a child. he was asked about his moment of enlightenment. he said that he watched his baby sister drinking milk out of a cup and suddenly realized that it was like god pouring god into god. and this phrase disappointed me at the time because it seemed idiotic and meaningnless. this is how dense i was.

but now i couldn't imagine how anyone could see it differently, if only they thought about it a bit. that is why i love the law of one. it happens to be true.

there was an american indian chief commenting, i believe, on western worship traditions. he said, "every pine needle is holy and every step is a prayer." this means to me that he was very spiritually advanced and lived in a world saturated with divinity and holiness, where one's awareness is elevated to god, (which they call the great mystery) such that there isn't a division between prayer and nonprayer.
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