The last time I cried....
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06-05-2008, 04:04 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
loneliness, sadness, isolation, depression. not having anyone to talk to or who he/she feels like understands. no hope or light at the end of the tunnel.
it is unfortunate and really sad.
the problem with suicide is that now the family is going to be wondering what they did wrong, and, when they figure it out they won't be able to rectify the situation. they won't be able to say, "i'm sorry" and try to fix it. they will be left with tremendous amounts of guilt for the rest of their lives.
this is a question to all people here on the forums. what are some better ways for kids to express the most extreme feelings of anger and depression??
what is a good way for these kids to get across to their parents the depth of emotions that they are feeling? to really make the parents understand that this kid would really rather die than go on another day. get the point across without actually committing the act. then everyone gets a chance to grow and heal from the experience. and a big gaping black hole is not left behind.
any ideas?
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