"Unnecessary Suffering"
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03-05-2008, 06:15 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
it rains on rich and poor alike. psychic gifts won't save you.
randomness is a reality. good people get squashed, literally (needless suffering in all it's glory).
there's much more proof of jesus being a composite figure (rather than historical). ie., a myth. like all the rest! why would this one (myth) be any different? because they used to kill you if you did'nt buy into it.
suicide. no big deal. the problem here is technique. a painless technique...
i'd have been gone a decade ago. and this is a wake up call to; i reflect on this and see still, there's really nothing to hang around for. might be selfish...
guess i'm a product of an artificial system. or, i see what's actually there. to, i'm not out to save the world...
but when under attack....always know it will fade in time. 1, 2, 6, 12, 24, 36 hours...
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