"Unnecessary Suffering"
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03-05-2008, 08:10 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
hey transiten. look, i have absolutely considered and nearly crossed myself over to the other side. no joke. i really came close on several occasions.
can i ask you one question? where did you get the idea that suffering or anything was unnecessary?
i needed to make some serious changes and i needed to grow and there was many reasons why i was resisting this. low self-esteem, self-doubt, anger, fear, anxiety. the resistance to the growth that the oneness knows you are capable of is what creates friction and suffering. there is growth that needs to be done and your angels or the oneness knows you are capable of this challenge and it won't let you get off easy.
i know how you feel my friend. but don't give up!!
you can do it. i know it is so damn challenging sometimes you just want to destroy yourself.
you are up to the challenge. be a winner and come out of this thing on top.
pm me if you want to talk. i have been through it. i will help as much as i can.
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