How to get along
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04-28-2008, 04:49 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
i know this is difficult when you just want to share with the world what you feel in your heart and want to serve by giving to others, what you have found. the thought:
"i am following my path and purpose in life and i feel very good about the direction i have found"
even back in the bc days, individuals dealt with differences in opinions. who was saying, doing the "right" thing, fear of being different etc. there is no right or wrong anything, just everything moving. their couse back in 1000 bc lead them to create temples of healing and spiritual places where those "seeking" could gather and live. i guess you could say the internet or web is now the hot temple of knowledge and healing.
? wonder,
is this were the church ideas started, a place to gather ? yet it has grown into much more... i know in ec readings, jesus said, you don't need a church to go to, you have a place everywhere, the open blue skies to gather.
truly, each of us are exactly were we are suppose to be. some are following 1 path to the truth, others another path, but they all lead to the same. different things speak to us differently., we have to trust what feels right for us.... and trust that the same is or will be happening to others we know.....
the fact that you guys are chatting about it.... is good....... the questions are being asked.... someone in the group is open..... ..
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