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09-25-2007, 08:56 AM
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Oct 2005
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the great debate.. or one of many.
i've actually been around the block a few times with this one, seen it from many different perspectives and ideologies. from the christian perspective, homosexuality is wrong because god had created man and all of his functions as a physical entity. i'm sure every one is familiar with the biblical passages that seem to state very strongly on gods supposed stance on the subject. i argued this for a very long time, i believed in it and it forced me to judge those people as 'wrong' or 'indecent' or at the very least, lost and confused. i always saw the law of christianity as being one of love, so even then i tried my best to walk the razor.
edgar cayce, as far as i know, did not seem to address the issue directly, though it may be in there. however, he was very clear on what our relationship to other people was supposed to be like and that is that every one was to be seen as an extension of yourself and god. the very sovereignty of their existence was the only basis for judging every one. in that every one was a part of god, they were to be treated like that. lovingly and without judgment. now these are my own words and my own concepts of what i have read and absorbed, others may correct me if i'm in error.
the ra material echo's cayce's material very closely from what i have seen. they both expand on the nature of existence, sin, justice, love, etc. in the very least, we are asexual as a spirit, we have no sex to speak of outside of these bodies. the nature of being a 'man' or a 'woman' is more in experiencing the common archetype traits that come from each one. they are polarities, but not opposites of our true spiritual nature. that, as well as the fact that we have spent many life times as either one seems to make the issue of homosexuality nothing more than a personal preference. i would have to dig through the ra study guide, but i believe it was addressed there and i think the conclusion that was drawn was simply that being spiritual beings in truth, it didn't really matter what preference you had, so long as you were doing so in truth.
the ra material goes on to explain that sexuality is more about exchanging energy than the biological counterpart of conception. it has to do with two people coming together to commune in lovemaking, each giving to the other, and in the end coming away refreshed with the new energy. again these are my words and concepts that i've come away with. reading through the material yourself will help you understand the concepts for yourself.
in the end i think homosexuality is a non issue, unless of course it's derived from something other than personal preference. if it's damaging or related to some sort of trauma, then that needs to be dealt with first so that the person is clear in the realization of their true motivations for their behavior.
i understand how you feel, i've felt that way too from time to time in my path. all i can say is meditate on it till you get a clearer understanding of what the issue is, you may discover why it seems to feel wrong. it may be for very different reasons than you think.
i hope this helps, and you have every right to agree or disagree.
may you walk in love and light.
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