Thread: Homosexuality
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Old 09-30-2007, 04:28 PM   #29

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in my initial post to this topic, i did so because something did not sit right with me with the tone of the thread. there seems to be a common theme in society to use words-the bible-to separate, devalue, or to make less than. although there may be some truth to ra’s words, the fact that he offered little to the topic says a lot about the importance he placed on this issue.

however, i feel those of ra would have a much clearer understanding than any in 3rd density of the underlying metaphysical energy transfers taking place in the physical act of sex, making ra's comments on the topic quite weighty and worthy of much consideration. my heart will always weigh more heavily than any words, comments, or perceptions. in using my own discernment, i spoke my own truth as having a gay brother who has had to face a society who views him as sexually perverted, less than, and immoral. one can use ra’s words and interpret them in whatever way they perceive, however, i cannot support it if i know it may hurt some or devalue others on this forum and in society. when we do this, we are no better than those who use the bible for this very purpose.

it's hard to view your fellow human beings in a loving light if the instant you hear a word, your emotional side gets kicked into high gear. even i find this hard to deal with from time to time. i think this is the heart of the matter. do we treat others differently because we dont understand or we have been programmed to believe a certain way or do we percieve them as an equal, a part of the one creator. the latter resonates in truth, for me.
SarSerceSaice is offline


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