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Old 11-04-2008, 06:59 PM   #18

Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
hi liliane and all,
i'm probably one of the oldest posters at this site. i'm 74. have had an interest in all the things discussed here since i was in my early 20's. have investigated many religions and never found satisfying answers...always searching, believing that someday i could find those answers. i grew up in a series of foster homes and had a chance to view first hand many of the religions that the different families practiced but found none that "worked" for me. i have settled on a "philosophy"instead. the law of one! i have a lot of difficulty in grasping much of the scientific knowledge on this site but realize that is is all an integral part of this great universe that is being discovered.
have an interest in astrology as i have seen it "work". i too am a songwriter, a member of bmi and have had a couple of "cuts" but no spectacular successes. music has always been an important part of my life. i play the piano/keyboard and used to sing and play in a country band and later entertained in retirement communities and nursing homes. very satisfying work.
i look forward to coming here each day and reading the new material and feel a real connection to many of you. it's the highlight of my life at this point... my window to the cosmos.
my love goes out to all of you!
Blolover11 is offline


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