What does a Vote mean?
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04-14-2008, 05:14 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
i think that vote has a dual meaning anymore in practicality. there is the vote of your consciousness, that which you believe to be true and best for all (or i suppose just best for oneself if they are sts), which merely by thinking and feeling it, that vote is cast into the web of consciousness.
then there is the actual physical voting process which is so horribly perverted at this point so as to be utterly insignificant. super-delegates? what happened to one person, one vote? and at this point i'd take a hanging chad over an easily corrupted computer chip anytime.
so, in one form of vote, it is surely cast and counted exactly as we intend, but there is nothing more to show it has occurred and we are not necessarily able to see our vote's effect. we can, however, rest assured that our consciousness is an incorruptible ballot.
the other form of vote is very tangible. one must make arrangements, remember the date, go to a physical location and go through the process of casting a ballot. with this kind of voting we get all sorts of feedback that we are actually doing something through all the physical activity - but the fact is this vote is as good as worthless. even if my vote is counted correctly, that others are not makes mine just as worthless. i have no more faith in appropriate representation within the physical voting system.
so, avoid the rush! vote now! with the vote that counts, your hearts and your love! leave election day to the finaglers and liars.
love, blessings, and abundance,
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