Young man in transition
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03-25-2008, 10:09 PM
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Oct 2005
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Young man in transition
hello all. i have been keeping up with a lot of david wilcock's work and am very appreciate of it, have learned a lot.
i am close to 24 now and since about four years ago i have been aware that we are in a spiritual transition phase collectively. however there is a bit of an issue right now, and i'm writing this not just for myself but i'm speaking for many people who are going through a similar thing right now.
i am in transition, along with the rest of the world, it seems, and i was intuitive enough that within the last three years i kind of decided to take it easy and say, "well the next phase of my life is going to manifest when it's ready." this was shortly after i finished getting my two-year associate's degree. the problem is that months and years went by and nothing really manifested, and there was no hint that anything was being manifested, and i started to really worry. i started talking to healers and did a variety of healing modalities (learned a few too), as well as making changes in my diet and doing my best to stay optimistic.
so taking a different approach i decided to take some action, explore a little, however enrolling in college was a disaster, i could not function for the life of me and everything i was studying seemed irrelevant. which is another problem i notice today, everything seems outdated anymore, counseling methods, therapies, information. it all seems very old and irrelevant to present times. i refuse to do medications, and so far i have not been pushed too hard in that direction by the universe, or other people.
anyway i am still kind of where i am, in transition and staying with my folks and have considered a number of options (many of which fell through), and am currently working a part time job at a local mall, just to get some money coming in. i have been blessed to have a good family and a roof over my head, although they don't always understand me or my choices. but i am staring at my old life and all my old friends and semi-friends i used to contact online, many of whom i don't share any connection with anymore. this is very difficult for me because i feel very out of place doing all this and want to get on with the program, so to speak... everything seems like a dead end or culdesac. but it's very hard to tell what to do, or when to do it. and if simple waiting is in order, that's fine (this has been suggested to me synchronistically a number of times), but i don't want to wait too long and miss whatever opportunities will really open doors that will be more up my alley into why i'm alive today.
and... yeah. that's about the brunt of it. anyone have any thoughts or suggestions?
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