Rapture ready?
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05-03-2008, 07:51 AM
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Oct 2005
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well first off, very little of that has to deal with the law of one. however, in everything there is a bit of truth so we'll explore this a little.
every major religion or philosophy covers some sort of 'great change' in one way or another. in the law of one, this change is basically the changing from one density (ie dimension) to the next higher density, or from the 3rd to the 4th density. this next density is the one of unconditional love. also it is mentioned that in this transition our 3rd density bodies will be left behind and we will be taken to the new 4th density earth, which is actually larger than this one.. so in a way we will be 'raptured' to the heavens.
now unlike the christian idea of rapture, no one is left behind. there is no one left to suffer earthquakes etc, but rather every one is taken off the planet to continue their spiritual evolution either in another 3rd density planet, or on the new 4th density earth. this is based on the amount of service to self or service to others the person is. roughly speaking, one either has to be more than 50% service to others to graduate to the new earth, or roughly more than 90% service to self to graduate to a fourth density service to self planet (which is not earth, since service to self and service to others are not compatible) those that are to remain in 3rd density will be taken to other 3rd density planets to continue their spiritual evolution until they can be harvested for service to self or service to others.
as for what is going to happen on the earth after this has taken place. on the outside it seems like all hell is breaking loose and for a while the 3rd density earth may seem like total havoc, but according to the law of one material, it will eventually be re-inhabited with some other life form to complete their evolution here. the 3rd and 4th density earths will exist in the same place, only the 4th density will not be visible to the 3rd, however the 4th may still be able to see the 3rd, visit on occasion etc.
as far as the rapture is concerned, or for that matter the book of revelations , edgar cayce's view was that the book was that it was metaphoric for the way a person might effect his spiritual progress. the seven churches represents the seven chakra, and the various 7's all have to do with the chakra's opening and cleansing themselves. i'll have to go back and look it up, there is actually alot of information in there about what all the symbolism means. the 24 elders are 12 pairs of neural pathways in the brain.. the beast represents the lower 3 chakra, the bestial nature of man or physical nature. basically the point was to conquer the beast, reset the lower 3 chakra to a higher vibration in order to get that energy also into the upper 3 chakra so as to complete the connection to our spiritual half. the rapture was basically the point at which this switch took place and one could exist in a state of complete connection with his higher self.
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