Rapture ready?
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06-02-2008, 04:08 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
we are already unconditional love. our test is to live it at what ever plane you find your energy at. the 3rd density is heavier weights vs the higher levels at lighter weights that you can swim in easier. when we are born, we agree to come to do and be, to experience in order to give / receive and learn
together as one. one in heart, one in mind, one in truth.
we do each go through inter battles to balance our lower and higher self (dark/light) of love. the center, of the 7 charkras, the heart center, is where we find the balance. when this center is fully activated, felt, opened, alive, no one can move the true you. your full being is lit.
all of our experiences to date has moved us to or from love (center) but it is all love. finding the center, the balance of the two and being able to stay there in the joy and bliss of life at what ever density earth is at is each a test.
i have trust and faith in our creator that no one is left behind. i believe this fully. the complexity of the how's is known, but not fully written
be the body of love/light you are in each and every moment that you are present.
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