Can a soul fade from existance?
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06-05-2008, 12:05 AM
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Oct 2005
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Can a soul fade from existance?
i read that souls can actually go so far down in vibration of energy and actually cease to exist if they want to.
...of course, that wouldn't be a nice thing to do
it isn't an original idea though. i was taught this kind of idea (annihilationism) in the seventh-day-adventist church
(unlike most christians, they don't believe god would keep people living forever in misery). this is basically the alternative to choosing eternal life at all! of course, this is not encouraged though. they want to be resurrected back to life and live in a new earth after jesus returns. the new earth, they say, will be like eden, only better...
the idea of course is much older than that because ancient hebrews also believed in a mortal soul. they believe that a soul (nephesh) comes to exist after god breathes his spirit into a body of clay.. this idea was translated into greek bible as psyche (the mind). in this belief, awareness depends on the spirit of life, just as the body depends on breath. i've heard that before "the fall" of humans (in awareness?), the atmosphere was richer in oxygen, thus causing creatures (including humans) to become gigantic and could live forever. it's also said that animals were vegitarian and never harmed anyone. after "the fall", people lost good judgement and became violent and many animals had to turn to eating meat. the "sons of god", the first born sons of seth, were the closest in awareness of god, yet all but enoch died of old age. the ones that did die are said to have believed that they would soon be resurrected back to life after christ comes to earth to defeat "sin" (what ever causes lower awareness) and death in our sinful flesh. what christ did was free us from annihilation after death. we still die of course, but in christ we are only "sleeping". as i mentioned ealier, adventists, like most christians, teach that the soul can choose not to have eternal life. the biblical jesus did say we have a choice between eternal life or death. so it's said that the "unpardonable sin" is to willfully ignore higher awareness without regrets and or thinking one has gone to far down to go back up (this decision is made before death of course because this belief assumes there is no awareness at "death"). 1000 years after christ returns again to take his people to heaven (the dead are resurrected) with immortal bodies, all those who had the mark of the beast (they willfully closed the spiritual eye?) are left on earth "asleep" and then after the 1000 years have their life reviewed, are annihilated, lucifer and his angels (all the fallen beings christians call demons) are annihilated, and the earth is cleansed. that's where the new eerth comes in. phew!.....that was a long one!
you'd be surprised that there are many non-christian that are comforted by the idea of ceasing to exist because since many of them don't really appreciate this life and want to get it over with and they'd feel miserable living on forever because of fear of boredom!. many of them just don't see they joy in living in a "heavenly" atmosphere where you can no longer degrade life itself or be entertained by such acts. this attitude is a result of not seeing meaning to life.
ancient judaic-christian (without the pagan influence of rome) has say the meaning of life can only be found in god since he's the one who made it. after the church went "papal", then some strange ideas came into the church of sunday worship and immortality of the soul in hell....which sure tainted the original christian theology made people senslessly afraid of death.
many of those who ask for the meaning of "life" don't know that the question also applies to "life" eternally.
the irony is that most who ask the question may not really care for life eternally, which means they're asking for the meaning of a dying life.
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