Got FEAR? Experiencing Negative Greetings?
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08-04-2008, 08:19 AM
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Oct 2005
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great thread. it's probably essential for us to be aware of these negative greetings and also to understand that bring able to share our love with those entities and situations is the ultimate defense against them.
it's funny that when i step back and try to observe my life through an outside-looking-in view, i am suffering through a lot of negativity. financially struggling, total lack of material pleasures, a mentally deteriorating brother, broken home, but what gives me so much quality of living is having found what little things make me happy. i have an optimistic and realistic perspective on life and situations, a deep rooted love/quest for wisdom, blissful pursuit of a growing compassion for others, the thrill of experiencing, embracing, and learning from all of life's moments and situations, and trying to aid in the awakening whenever i feel appropriate. finally, i'm grateful that i'm both aware of and working on improving my most negative attributes.
my external situation is challenging and is a negative greeting in its own right. but by far, my most profound negative greeting has been what i believed to have been a psychic assault by malevolent ets or entities of some sort. i posted the entire story of this experience in the dreams & interpretations thread in case anyone is interested. pg. 5 i think.
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