communication, indeed. i find that even if you speak the same language deep communication only occurs when you have similar understandings, concepts, inner thoughts. i try to communicate with my family, yet it is as if i speak a different language, or funnily enough i am from a different planet!! so i take a deep breath, release and come to terms with the fact that my family and many others i meet, the level of our communication only goes so far, and generally quite superficial. it used to drive me crazy and still does to a point...more lessons in forgiveness of others thus myself. thank you for your love and respect. thank you to everyone who reads these words. very good lessons. always integrating. do we die? yes ok our physical body may pass away, yet is that the i that creates me? i feel not, my dad has moved to another vibration as has all people whos bodies pass away. i may not be able to see him or hear him with my finite senses but when i look and feel into my heart he is there. releasing anger? thats a big one, with many layers. i'm still working on it, as my liver tells me!! what is there really to be angry about? if everything is a reflection of my own inner being then the anger is mine, if the anger is mine i ask myself the question, where does it steam from, what are its roots? i discover does it matter? its an emotion thus energy which needs to flow through me, which always brings me back to more acceptance more love and yes, yet again rise like the phoenix. i find it quite challenging flying into america, so i generally always fly to phoenix!! as this makes me smile and i love arizona!! i do travel alot, i live most of the year in my campervan. wanderers reunite!! most awakening people i've had the pleasure meeting also like to travel. soul food. yes it does generate living in the moment, each day is a new day. escaping? searching? all of the above and more!! i am here to experience the vastness that is our lives. for myself i feel new enviroments generates new energy. i am on a new adventure soon, leaving this new moon, just a little adventure yet it is already creating new energy.... peace within