The 4 greatest lessons that I have learned thus far...
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03-31-2008, 06:24 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
so intense, foosnik. but i'm with you. this seems to be a forum for lost fathers. well, my father disappeared when i was two days old. nobody to this day knows what happened, though there are a lot of stories. he was a high profile guy, famous in his own country. the last people he was seen with was the cia. i've been through every emotion you can think of over this issue, and i'm not done. after my contract is up in korea, i will go back to our country and do some more stuff, not research anymore, because it doesn't matter what happened, but to sort of carry on his work, which was fighting for freedom. he became a legend and people act like i'm something special, just because i'm his direct descendant. his freedom fighting was physical, mine is spiritual. the people who are his admirers are pretty amazing, and it will be interesting to see what happens.
anyway, i finally let go of the anger, at least i hope so, we'll see. no more feeling abandoned, by death or whatever else could have happened. what's the point? there is no quick or easy solution, it is a process - "a time and season...." it unfolds, hanging on brings on the pain, let go, let go. dw is an amazing teacher - he articulates what i know, and lots i don't know. i feel safe with him, and this forum is an extension of him, i think, anyway. lots to be grateful for.
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