Who would be willing?
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01-04-2008, 09:36 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
thats a good question worth at least a few minutes to ponder before answering...
the trouble with answering is that today i could feel one way, and tomorrow another, depending upon the experiences and inspirations of that day.
anyway, although i believe i am ready to move on, if given the chance, i guess i would stay. what better way to serve than to sacrifice "heaven" in the interest of helping others? i mean, isn't that what this is all about, service? and, of course, many of the ascended masters or great teachers or whatever you want to call them have said that sacrifice and suffering is the way...
fortunately this is mostly out of my hands as i believe we have already made the choices and assignments have been given. depending upon how broad one wants to open this question up will depend upon the depth of one's answer. for now, let's just keep things simple...
so, again, while i relish the thought of ascension to 4d and beyond, if i can make more of an impact by staying in 3d and helping, then i guess thats what i'd choose to do.
thanks for that provacative question!
p.s. - as a side note, alot of us have "agreed" that the 3d mind has no ability to comprehend 4d "reality". sure, we can imagine all we want... so, with this in mind, my post here really is moot, since i can't imagine the possibilities of 4d service with my current 3d mind.
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