Question David Wilcock 7.19.07 on David Wagner and tachyonized healing products
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03-26-2008, 02:27 AM
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Oct 2005
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david wilcock has in fact presented in his online book series, 'convergence' evidence that the ormes phenomenon parallels the discovery of a new phase of matter which is described as atomic micro-clusters.
here, a previously unknown property wherein atomic nuclei gather in discrete bundles of platonic geometric proportion, in groups of up to @ 1000 nuclei if i recall correctly, losing their individual electron valence shells, the bundle now taking on these electrons in one envelope of negatively polarized energy.
the physics is presented which explains the exotic physical properties of the micro-cluster, to which phase of matter it seems that 'orbitally re-arranged monatomic elements' belong.
in fact, as far as i have been able to determine, wilcock's 'convergence' series is replete with the world's most far reaching and progressive gathering and synthesizing of cutting edge scientific research available, in support of the universal model of a unified field of consciousness underlying all existance, presented in a form understandable to the layman.
i'm personally wary of the idea of ingesting ormes material, as the body already contains large quantities of it naturally, quantities likely governed by the needs of the physical/spiritual health of the individual. one may want to guard against prematurely forcing open certain spiritually perceiving faculties of the body/mind/spirit complex, perhaps leaving this process to the individual's ongoing experiencing and mastery of life's catalytic challenges.
i guesss you would have to be very sure of your motives in taking this stuff, or any other consciousness-enhancing material, at the very least, as something tells me that if your motive is a spiritual short-cut, your efforts may well back-fire - something about 'taking the gates of heaven by force', as i've heard it said.
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