Headaches almost daily - driving me insane!
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03-26-2008, 02:27 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
i get headaches a lot as well, although not as severe as yours. i know they are caused by different things. sometimes the change in weather can do it; sometimes stress; staring at a computer screen all day and night.
but one thought i had for you - have you had your eyes checked lately? if you are staring at a computer screen a lot, it could be your eyes. as well, as we get older our eyes get worse. i can often get rid of my headaches by putting on my glasses.
other times, it's something else.
it could be that things are just speeding up more and more these days and it's hard for these 3d bodies of ours to keep up.
taking too much pain medication isn't good for you either. it'll do in your stomach. i would see a specialist if your doctors are not concerned.
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