I want everyOne to get through to the 4th density positive!
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03-31-2008, 04:14 PM
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Oct 2005
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i think we all have our roles in the ascension process, and some are more "action oriented" than others.
if you want the world to have more love, make that your focus in sending the world more love. it is feeling rather than doing. i personally feel that my role is to be an anchor and bringer of light to my geographical area on earth, and that i was guided to move here 7 years ago so i would be in place.
so i open my crown chakra and bring in light and disperse it. nobody taught me how to do it, i just know that is my role.
my husband is a psychotherapist and he helps people in a much more direct and action oriented way. he has always been in service to others this lifetime, so this is his role.
your role should not be uncomfortable to you, although at times it may feel thrust upon you.
as far as everyone getting through to the 4th dimension, you are only responsible for yourself. we must allow others their free will and their own paths. so maybe it is not their will to ascend...
i think we sometimes make things seems harder than they need to be. you don't need to be gandhi to make a difference in the world. just your positive intention has a huge impact.
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