Are we living our last incarnation before the 4th density then?
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03-31-2008, 02:05 PM
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Oct 2005
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hello dazcox!
i have pondered this issue in depth and my answers that i receive do not match what most are following here, so forgive me if my answer doesnt resonate well with others.
i know that the ra material talks about the ones that are not ready for 4d positive will go to another planet. this is the main thing that does not resonate with me what so ever. i have deeply meditated on this subject and i still do not feel that the ones not ready will leave the 'mother'-earth. this simply could be my way of dealing with the 3d mind and my mind not being able to fathom that we will all leave earth come time of a shift. mabey there are some of us here ready to graduate and we already know that graduating will lead us to make the decision once again to go where ever other souls need guidance. i strongly feel a need to survive if there comes a shift. even though i long to rejoin to my creator and 'turn in my time card', i feel that i wont stay there long. i feel i still have alot of work to do after 2012, either on earth or somewhere else.
we all say we are ready to return. and i feel many will not try to survive a major catastrophe if there shall be such a thing. the fear is too much for some to take in, so many find the peace, love and light answer to fulfill their worries. i would be a liar if i said im not worried. i feel the mother is well due for a time of showing wrath and replenishing. so what if??? what if there is wrath and those who dont pass on still are here on earth trying to survive and carry out the human species. if this would be so, i want to be a part of the survivors. not because i fear death, i know the creator wil find me when my time is due, but because i feel that is my purpose. besides experienceing for the creator, i feel a deep purpose to guide in the future times and show the lost souls that we are part of something bigger. i find a great need coming in the future for people with the spirit to remain here to guide others in starting a 'new age'. what if there is a shift and not many survive, and what if those that survive are still here on earth?? i hope there are like minded people like all of us here that will survive because lord knows, we will need those with deep souls in times of distress to help the lost souls here.
i could be so wrong here-but i strongly feel this. i hear many saying that those that are ready to graduate will leave earth before the catastrophes. i find this not so. i am so not trying to be doom and gloom, but no matter how i look at this, i still feel that we will need to live through times unimaginable. and you know what, if this is so, its not that bad, because still, whatever happens, we are living our purpose. our existence is the purpose. so i say, dont give up on our existence. the lord will find me, when thee is ready for me. until then, thee will guide me through good and bad, sad and happy, comfort and strife.
i truly struggle with these thoughts because not many others share this feeling of wanting to survive. i just feel that this incarnation that i have made this last round is really the beginning of my true work for the creator.
i have pondered on if i belong here in this forum because the ra material does not resonate with me. but, dws work and videos bring me such a pure vibe of love that i cant ignore. even though im troubled with the idea of every one leaving earth, i must take the things that resonate with me, and everyone leaving earth defiantly does not resonate with me. the main thing that does resonate with me is that we are in a time like no other. we are at a very important time on the clock of the wheel. we all should stay strong with our spirit so we can be guided for what ever may be.
much love and good intentions,
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