The Kogi - From the Heart of the World - The Elder Brothers' Warning
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03-31-2008, 04:02 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
hello to all,
i ment to post on this video, after i watched it last week. now remebering it, im coing back to it.
i do not find it insulting what so ever that a tribe of old calls us little brother. we do not know how long these people have been here. and if they truly feel they are to be keepers of mother earth, then surly ill respect that as this is surly a old tribe. they live a way of life that was ment to be, and the majority of man has destroyed it. i find it to be so very precious that this nasty little world full of self serving people still contains people that live life in harmony with our mother. sure, they used gold. i dont find it to be for any selfish reasons though. i also dont find them taking gold that was not on their land. i could be wrong here, but they dont seem like the type that takes from others. they have occupied this land for so long, what ever is on their land that they and their ancestors have cared for is rightfully theirs. i find no problem with calling anyone a elder brother, if they live the life that we were ment to live. we were ment to come here and care for our mother and her creatures. but man continues to use her and abuse her. this tribe appreciated mother earth. they are not saying they are any better, just different, in that they still live how man was meant to live.
i looked this tribe up after the video and ran across some very disturbing news. shortly after this video was aired, a plane flew across the land and some believe the plane had chemicals sprayed onto their land. the water is now toxic and the children are dying. i read a letter that was written to gearge bush about the matter. it was basically acussing america for bio chemical warfare on these helpless people because they wont live 'our' way. im really getting tired of there being a 'right way' according to our gov. because their right way means we pay for everything that should original be everyones. governments has raped tribes of their rights for too long, now there are hardly any original true tribes me, being born here on earth is the purest right there is to live how you want to live as long as you dont harm others. why is the government always harming others when man doesnt do things the way the gov. wants?
the only thing i found disturbing about the tribe was their ideas of taking a man from birth and putting him in darkness for 9 years. little freaky there! but then i laugh, because darkness activates the pinial gland. then my mind does circles on this thought, so i dont know what i think about it really.i know i dont care to be raised in darkness the first 9 years of my life! how lonely.
i think more people need to hear the wise words of this tribe and their advice on that man was sent here for our mother! we were sent here to aid her and care for her and all of her creatures.
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