DW Interview
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03-27-2008, 08:56 PM
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Oct 2005
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in addition to my last post, this quote says so much about what we are discussing here in the political world.
"if a country is governed with tolerance, / the people are comfortable and honest. if a country is run through tolerance, it is run through an open mind, and an open mind is a creative mind, one that is not frightened, and therefore solutions can freely flow in. problems can be solved intelligently, which is to say in a kind way, a way that works. if a country is run through repression, it is run by people who are intolerant when what they believe is threatened. when they’re confronted with intelligence that shows them other options, the intolerant government has to shut those idea down and be intolerant. this kind of government has to be very crafty to shut down ideas that come from wisdom that directly oppose the system that confronts an intolerant leader. and if craftiness doesn’t work, then exaggeration and lies must replace even craftiness. even apparent democracies supposedly run by the people must be shut down through intolerant leaders as an intolerant leader for his ideas to survive must choose people who believe as he believes. whatever it takes for their ideas not to be opposed. this would involve filtering information even if it meant manipulating all information that gets out to the public that may oppose what is really going on, knowing that if they were informed and had the whole truth, their ability to see for themselves what is right and kind. this is so not only with leaders in government but leaders of families." -- byron katie (the work)
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