Fooled again
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04-13-2007, 07:10 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
i took y2k so seriously that i sold my condo in the city and bought land in the country, which seriously inconvenienced my teenagers. some of the hippies there scoffed at me because, they said, they thought civilization was unraveling back in the 70's. i moved back to the city in the fall of 2000, partly due to a relationship and also better jobs here, but i never regretted my move.
i still go there 8 or 9 times a year and i have felt over the years that the y2k scare was a blessing in disguise. lately, i have a renewed sense of urgency about being ready and in fact i hope to move back there no later than 2009 or 2010.
i think i've been expecting this most all my life. ever since i was about 18 i have felt that something big was going to happen during my lifetime, sometime after the age of of 40 or so (i'm about to turn 50).
i remember when i was a kid of about 8, we had a sunday school class and the priest's wife read to us some passages about the end times, how there would be false prophets and strong deception and i kept pumping her for more specific information about how to make sure i was among those who know what's going on.
some scoffers say that there have always been those who were expecting the end of the world, but that is not true. the occasional nut case or odd cult does not compare with what is happening today. the number of people who are sensing something, and the number of different types of information sources about this, is truly large. there is an increasing sense of 'we' among humanity about this.
and it's not just about earth changes, either. people are waking up to deception and to the truth of the human condition, as movies like matrix show.
what's happening that is truly wonderful for me to behold is that the masses are more aware than the so-called leaders. (wonderful because humanity is normally such a dismal group of clueless followers!)
because the power elite funds and controls the major institutions of science and medicine and such, and because those institutions are inflexible and corrupt, they are going to be left spouting their old ideas to an increasingly uninterested public, who have long since moved on past their old ideas of big bang and darwinian evolution via mindless processes while the real thinking and discoveries will have been done by mavericks and learned by the interested public.
the rastafarians refer to the whole current structure of civilization as 'babylon.' the alternate title to bob marley's song 'one love' is 'people, get ready.' i find that prophetic. because that is how it's going to be. the people will move by common consensus without being told by leaders what to do.
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