I post this once a year, But this is for Bob Reidel
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03-18-2008, 02:50 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
i think this thread should now be called "bob's house", that way he always knows he can post here should he stray for several months at a time. and yes bob you can kick anybody out of your house that you don't want in it with 2 x 4 's, 4 x 4 's or even 8 x 8's if you wish (got some great exotic hardwoods that weigh a ton to give you). that would be for those that need to wake up that don't get it or that do not realize that yousome of the best postings here and we have all missed that very much (the d*mn funniest to).
any way glad you alive and well here on mother earth, god knows we need as many of you here as we can get. i am going with david and the boriska indigo child on this one: "2009" the next big zap! that is when we get are next "wake up call". so we are definitly going to need some back up. glad you are back.
may all of our horses (forces) be with us obi one. we need a good strong team on this one.
a 60 watt light worker, just trying to graduate 120 - nelson
p.s. - there is your morning briefing
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