I post this once a year, But this is for Bob Reidel
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03-19-2008, 03:13 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
hey, art-
thanks, brother- heard ya all the way up in toledo! never really left though. sometimes, your "inner coach" will point to the bench, so that's about all there is to it- intrude away - i don't recall seeing the word "shy" in your profile!
yo, nelson- hang-on to your wood- i've got my own lumber yard, remember? there's even a few 12x12's out there. dead presidents are nice, though. good briefing, there, 60 watt!
say, anyone notice this new, and improved dc forum is nearing it's ist birthday? is it just me, or has this been a wild ride so far, or what? recall the exciting time back on the 4th of july, when 375 of us were on-line at once, instead of out watching fireworks! i believe that's around the same time the first ben fulford essays began. whatever you think of him, ya got to agree- it's time to "take- out" the trash, before we get buried in it, or by it.
been reading an amazing book by (name) from (place), discussing (some really wonderful, amazing, pertinent, cool stuff)... check it out at (website). isn't it fun to share?
i agree, rhonda, the "seagull" story is one of those time-less, age-less classic takes on an age-old theme- i'vs got an old vinyl disk, about at least 30 years old, narrated by richard harris, that comes out for a spin from time to time whenever i need a "seagull" moment. great stuff.
maybe it's time to change that commercial from "what's in your wallet" to "who's in your wallet, now?" nap time...
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