Negative Gut feeling
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03-14-2008, 02:46 PM
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Oct 2005
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icke, i feel, is basically a good person, very passionate and sincere about what he does.
i don't agree with the statement that he doesn't promote personal power- as i have watched many of his lectures and know this to be untrue.
i do think its true that some of his work encourages a focus on the negative to the extent the reader can become just paranoid about so many of these things. there is good in life too!
i do not participate on the forum there any more for this reason, i did find that, although there are many wonderful people there, it does tend to focus very much on the negative, much cynicism and paranoia.
i think it is
that icke may have been fed bits of information along the way, perhaps even unknowing to the people he met themselves (who may have been used/ manipulated). now, i can completely understand some of his emotions regarding the tales he has been told (involving child abuse) which are beyond your worst nightmares. it is only natural to be upset about something so horrific- and considering the weight of the information he has been given- he seems extremely calm and even forgiving. (he might not appear that way to those who do not know the horrific accounts he has been exposed to in person by the supposed victims).
as i said, he may have been fed bits of misinformation along the way, as this would appear a more clever weapon against his work.
ok, that being said, i'll leave the matter alone now.
i just wanted to point out that this man does in fact encourage personal power from what i know about him, although many of the followers of his work don't quite understand that part of his message.
i didn't get into his research because of the fear based element of it; i got into it simply because with moon conjunct pluto in the 9nth house and with 3 planets in the 8th, i cannot resist anything to do with mystery! also, his thoughts regarding how we can learn to think for ourselves again resonate well with me, and some of the words in one of his books felt like my own- thoughts which began at the age of 10 around the 1990's when his own turning point began.....which i know sounds weired but its as if i must have been tuning into some of these "frequencies". (honest truth).
anyway, i am thankful for those steps in my accelerated journey over the past year, as it eventually led me here after an acquaintance gave me the link to the first project camelot interview here.
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