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02-19-2008, 08:04 PM
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Oct 2005
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hi lynette. my heart goes out to you. i'm sure its no easy task taking care of 2 potential "add" boys. i'm a preschool teacher and one of my 4 year olds was diagnosed with add at age 3. it is nearly impossible to guide him to do what he should be doing. i've seen his mother try to guide him as well, but to no avail. i've seen the defeated look in her eyes and i know first hand how frustrating it can be to interact with someone that is not like the "typical" children.
i know the drug issue is a personal choice and i won't judge you for giving it a shot. i'm glad to hear that it is proving to have a positive impact. my youngest brother was diagnosed add as a teen and he tried the meds. they definitely helped his focus, but he didn't care for the side affects. so he stopped taking them.
i've heard from other teachers that children today aren't like they used to be even 10 years ago. i'm only 25 and have been in the classroom for about 18 months, so i don't have enough experience to really comment on that. but i have noticed that some of their eyes seem to be different, at least to me. i don't know if you're familiar with crystalline, indigo, or (whatever you want to call it) children. when i look into some of their eyes, its like looking into the eyes of a very pure soul or an old soul. there is just something special about it.
i'm aware that there are different schools of thought on the issue of how to deal with add and i don't know that anyone has all the answers yet. i wish you luck on your quest for unlocking the secrets of add/adhd children. if you find anything out, i would very much like to know. and if i come across any new articles, i'll be sure to share them.
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