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02-22-2008, 08:13 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
fresh fruits and vegetables are great of course. what i would start with, if it were me, is giving those kids the high quality fats that have disappeared from out diets. eggs from chickens that run on the ground. coconut oil. bone soup. they need animal fat and butterfat. it sounds like you already buy meat that is free of abx and hormones. people used to eat organ meats, not just the dry muscle meat. organ meats contain far more nutrition. consider learning about the benefits of raw milk. google: a campaign for real milk.
one hundred years ago, they had sanitoriums treating people successfully with milk cures. no one dreams of that now - because pasteurized milk isn't the same food in multiple ways.
a dentist named weston price wrote a book in the 1930s about nutrition and physical degeneration. he felt that people had begun to decline because he was seeing more decay. people had so much better food in the 1930s than now!
he spent about 10 years going every summer to a place where an indiginous population had a lifestyle that created great health. he didn't just go to primitives. he studied celtic children and children in the swiss alps. he went to africa, pacific islands and eskimoes. he studied peoples whose health was so good they had no cavities and straight teeth. a very high standard.
what he found was - no vegetarians. some ate meat, some mostly dairy, and some mostly seafood - but all valued greatly animal fat high in vitamin a and of course other nutrients. he said the primitive diet had 10 times the vitamin a of the civilized diet - and that was 70 years ago!
it makes sense to study health, doesn't it? rather than rely on pharmaceutical companies and their 'studies.'
i will pm you with more info about the website based on his life work.
he also found that nearly all traditional people, including us and europe until recently cooked some form of bone soup - i.e., a soup with bones that simmers for several hours.
i agree about the fluoride. all you can do is try to fight it. i filter mine out, but of course i sometimes get it anyway. at least i reduce the dose to a small one.
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