Advice about how to handle loss, please.
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08-04-2008, 05:40 AM
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Oct 2005
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a few years ago, a friend of mine died and something very strange happened. i saw everything around me as if it were her. the trees, the road, the man walking down the street, the sky; everything had her signature. it was as if, upon being released from the confines of her body, she permeated the world. and indeed, mystics speak of such an expansion upon death.
in fact, just the other day, as if your question reached me in spirit, i was thinking along these lines and i imagined myself making a speech at her funeral: "scientists now know that outer space is not a void, that it is a plenum of energy. ty [my friend]'s absence is not a void, but also a plenum. she has become the world."
i am lebanese born, but living in the united states. i have many loved ones back in my other home. i have learned not to miss them, because they are always inside of me. i repeatedly visualize myself speaking to them, listen inwardly for their answers and comments. rejoice in the love between us.
i would try meditating on internalizing your loved ones, or seeing them as reflections or versions of your own self, feeling their presence in your heart, always there but perhaps only sometimes activated, as if they were there in potentiation.
internalizing the people you love, or even those you don't, is a step towards understanding oneness, and is helpful in that regard as well.
ra once spoke of internalizing polarity in order to come to an understanding of others, the oneness we share, albeit we only assume one version of that oneness.
"where you find patience within your mind you must consciously find the corresponding impatience and vice versa. each thought a being has, has in its turn an antithesis."
in turn, as you live more and more with the law of one, feeling your loved ones inside you becomes easier and easier. i have been getting lessons in understanding oneness for at least 10 years now, inner-self-directed. it takes a long time before such a proclivity becomes fully integrated. once this occurs, the world outside and inside become easily interchangeable.
love and light,
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