Carlos Castenada and Shamanism
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05-03-2008, 11:18 AM
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Oct 2005
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hello forumers, after browsing the net a few things turned up, some say pendulums and other apparatus arent trustworthy to detect these "places of power", you have to be some kind of an initiate to see the energetic surrounding.i havenīt had any experience with vortexes as far as vaguely liking to be in a place better than another, usually crowds are something that produce a chaotic energy which i dislike.
i have heard of villages that have more poisonous plants than others and where plagues have hit more often so there really must be something to the vortex phenomenon, sonora desert in arizona is a huge vortex where the castaneda teachings took place.
the castaneda material is something worth giving a look, don juan says once fear is conquered, then clarity of mind must be conquered, and next power which can enslave a man, just some notes upon a first web browse, it does relate to other spiritual material out there, except the buddha isnīt recorded to have taken [a drug] :d
recently i have been revisiting the novelty theory and just took a good look at the chart, notive how at year 08 month 08 it takes a dive down and just barely goes up until 2012 where it hits zero, very exciting indeed.
it is all clicking together little by little.
[moderator: jma, it might be more interesting if you could explain what the graph is doing for our "graphically challenged" members
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