Carlos Castenada and Shamanism
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07-03-2008, 02:40 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
shamans have always been very interesting to me. i would like to share a couple things that are related. bear with me now because it really does relate to the subject of shamans. the pineal gland in your body is what some people believe is the "3rd eye chakra" or where the soul enters and exits the body. this gland produces a chemical called dmt. dmt is in nearly everything and you actually injest it all the time but your stomach has a certain enzyme that breaks it down before it reaches the blood stream. (description of herbals is deleted in compliance with policy. interested parties can contact foo using private mail. mod. ) ... because of the power of a shaman comes from his/her ability to converse with and enter the spirit world at will to ask for advice and solve problems.
very interesting, huh?
the link below is a great video about shamans. the credit for this video goes to another member named dab. it gives a great summary of describing what a shaman is. thanks dab!
and another...
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