density vs. dimension
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02-04-2008, 06:10 AM
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Oct 2005
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billybob said,
there is one misunderstanding that needs to be cleared up. we speak of the higher densities in a way that makes them seem more rarefied (after all we can't see them) than the grossly "dense" earthly abode where we can actually reach out and grab things. but in fact the higher densities are increasingly more dense, consisting of a type of ultra vibrating solidness far beyond one's imagination.
i have a hard time picturing this, since it seems that the greater the density, the more 'material' a thing is, and that this is why people doubt the spiritual reality - because they can't reach out and touch it. it stands to reason that spirit, which is all-pervasive, would be of the lightest density, elsewise, how could it penetrate everything? in the same a mist or gas is inhaled and absorbed by our body because of its low density. i have therefore assumed that our souls are of a light and fine density.
on the other hand, a book i have about the ether, which he calls the a-field (stands for akashic field) does say that the ether is a highly dense superfluid of some sort.
but, i know what you are saying about higher densities being more dense ... negative energy seems to have a long wavelength as positive energy seems to have a shorter wavelength. (i hope im getting that right).
in order for us to be able to ascend, we would have to raise our vibrational frequency to be able to ascend.
here too, i have trouble. since i looked into brain wave stuff, it seems that the desirable ability to get into theta and delta brainwaves, the deep brainwaves, involve much longer wavelengths rather than shorter ones. it was proposed that a reason a guru can sometimes effect changes in people sitting nearby them is that their brain waves are very powerful, just as a tidal wave is powerful due to its depth, whereas little, choppy waves carry little power.
another spiritual author i respect says that positive thoughts and attitudes one person can outweigh and counterbalance the negativity of many. this would make sense in a waveform in which the positive is deep and long, and the negative, agitated and short and choppy.
we speak in terms of spiritual heights and ascension, which is rather natural as we look to lofty things with admiration and longing, but i think of spiritual advancement as one of acquiring depth, rather than height, since i have an image that the center of things is deep inside. i think this because while my reading on intelligent design and science in general, it appears that we live on the outer surface of several layers of smallness, and that the smallness is almost unimaginably small and yet it is the building blocks that makes up reality out here where we perceive.
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