Does pergatory exist?
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05-03-2008, 12:01 PM
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Oct 2005
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dear foo and all,
in "general discussions/christ jesus thread" - been raving about smith's anthroposophical bible commentaries. of course there is something re-purgatory.nina
[moderator note: link to quotes is in #9 post of this thread]
smith gave:
"for approximately three days after death the etheric and astral bodies
and ego remain in the general presence of the physical body. by virtue
of the “veil” being removed, these three components are able to observe
a memory tableau of the life just lived in relation to the karmic purposes
for which the soul incarnated. as this period ends, the etheric body dissolves
back into the earth’s cosmic ether, and the soul and astral body enter
the astral world for a period of approximately one-third of the
duration of the life just ended. this is the time known in esoterica as kamaloca,the period of purification. it has a relationship to what in catholic
doctrine is called purgatory. it is the period the prophets refer to as
“the refiner’s fire.”32 " (p.83)
would suggest that you go back to p. 81 and start there for a fuller grasp:
"steiner has pointed out that in the evolution of the human soul
memory was perfect before the soul began its descent....but with the descent, memory (as well as perception in the spiritual world) gradually faded, compensated for on the other hand by an increasing intellect as the etheric and astral bodies drew within the physical body, especially in the brain. but in time, these higheretheric and astral bodies drew so completely within the physical body that no spiritual consciousness could exist, so that the mineralized physical body became “the veil of the temple”—the very thing that kept the human being from spiritual perception.31 no longer was clairvoyance a heritage of the human soul. it was this “veil” that was “rent” by the crucifixion of christ, though it can only be so for each soul as it reconnects in the process of returning on the upward portion of the parabola
toward a purely spiritual state."
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