Is evils origin from the seperation of God-
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02-22-2008, 03:15 PM
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Oct 2005
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hi butterfriends,
i do feel that our history (including ancient writings and symbols) should be compared to any work that is researching anything to do with science and faith. so in a way, yes i am trying to incorporate some things to the dw research and discussions. this isnt a bad thing, i follow up on things that reside with me. sometimes i might have to use many different sources before one idea can feel comfortable. i enjoy learning and seeking in many different areas.
dont all perspectives of faith come from a base foundation of separation? so i do feel that we all must take things that feel right to our personal selves and then relate it to the love and light for our experience. i think learning about ourselves and our past selves does relate to spiritual growth and grounding of the soul.
we are all here because we feel a connection with dw research. as well, we are all here to learn from eachother and share things with eachother.
i guess i was trying to make a point out of my question. my point being that the original sin was not with humans, nor angels was with separation of the loo, god, divine (which ever you prefer
) that negative (evil) was born. i posed this in a question to get others opinions on this.
art-the idea of the 'angelic race' resonates with me too
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