Is evils origin from the seperation of God-
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02-22-2008, 07:16 PM
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Oct 2005
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i think there is too much emphasis on the 'fall of man', from what did we fall? what is sin? is separation from god even possible?
as i have said before, other than the direct realization that 'i am', ie that you are a direct and whole aspect of god, all that is, everything, etc, it is a distortion of the truth. if god split himself in two, turned and slapped himself in the face, rejoined himself, what sin was committed? it would be nothing more than the experience!
there is no right or wrong, no good nor evil, only polarities to the expressions of god. god created, or split himself (and i'm using 'god' here only as a one word description for all that is, as god is so much more than the world suggest) up in order to create the possibilities of existence. i remember reading the loo study guide. they specifically state that this part of the universe was designed with the vale of forgetfulness in place because in other areas of the universe where it wasn't in place, spiritual growth was stagnating. they also mentioned that some areas of the universe where completely neutral in their polarization, ie service to self and service to others had equal potential, there are also the federation and the rest working to protect us from any undue influence. i've theorized that the only way to create polarity is through karma. in our universe, the polarity is leaning towards service to others.
the 'fall of man' speaks to our sense of loss at forgetting of our connection to the whole. that innate sense of loss lead us to feel as though we had missed the mark some how. over the centuries this evolved into ideas of good and bad, sin and good works. all though out the books on seth, ra and the rest, they always maintain one thing you are perfect! not bad, not wrong, not in any way fallen or wicked or any of those distortions of the truth. the truth is you are perfect as you are, even in your perceived imperfection. yes, we have things to work on, but it wouldn't be much of a life, or a spiritual path if the distortion did not allow us to perceive this need to be on a path towards some destination. forgetting our connection allows us to make the mistakes, realize the mistake, work on the mistake and thus grow spiritually. and on top of that, every one agrees we decided to come here. we are not here for punishment, or because we lack anything, we come here so that we can grow, expand our experiences and gain from those experiences.
one must be careful with biblical interpretations of the truth. the information is distorted in many many ways, and yet it has a plethora of information to be had on personal growth. i think david has mentioned several times that the god in the old testament was a being who wished to help originally, but in being worshiped as a seperate god, he began to be distorted towards a negative path. in that, we find the distortions of 'i am a jealous god' and the sacrifices and ideas of sin and failure. the falling of the angels could be a historical account of any higher density beings who for whatever reason turned from service to others to service to self, though i haven't heard anything about that particular about that part of the biblical account. so don't put validation in everything you read, rather take what resonates with you and leave the rest. specifically don't feed into the fear by taking stock in stories of negative entities and evil plots but rather have compassion for those of the service to self path and faith that our path is set and we will soon be in a more harmonious density.
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