hello everyone! well, for the past 5 years or so, i have been looking for the truth. well, as i asked, the answers came. now, i find myself lost, it seems. i dont have many friends, nor did i when i was younger. i spend alot of my time, especially now, thinking and trying to figure things out. i feel as i have no one to talk to or get advice from. i would like to find people who are in the same mind state i am in, and i would like some help in releasing some pent up negative energy. i currently live in santa clara, but i am not sure how long i will be here ... most likely no more than 10 months. i know that in order for one to evolve, it is something that they must want to do and work at, no one else can do that for them, but i also know that we need help at times. there is much i would like to ask, talk about, and i know that there is much i need to learn or remember. i guess i am looking for some place i can go to get some help, or at least talk to someone.