Life Purpose
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02-23-2008, 01:32 AM
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Nov 2005
Senior Member
i personally am not sure about my life purpose yet. i often think that thinking back to things i enjoyed as a child to try and get an idea of what my natural talents are. my hobbies as a young child were rather unusual- i used to draw create and draw maps of imaginary countries and cities and i also used to love drawing different types of road signs. i also had an obsession for a while with electricity pylons and their different shapes. i would study maps of the uk and the world for hours on end to familiarise myself with the location of places. by the time i was about 9 or 10 i knew probably 80% of the capital cities in the world, people could say an obscure country and i would often come out with the answer instantly!
i have trouble seeing how i could apply these natural interests to my adult life, in terms of a career etc. my interests have changed over time but i feel that as a child we are at our most naturally creative so i think that thinking back to your childhood maybe a good way of uncovering your natural talents. i have no idea why i was born to my own parents but i certainly feel a deep love towards them and miss them a lot while i am away from home. i feel like i may have been born in a large city in the uk because in my opinion, cities are where progress can be made the fastest due to the large numbers of people of different polarities living in close proximity and obviously there are endless opportunities to help others due to the sheer numbers of souls. cities are often the catalyst for change so there is a lot of potential for spiritual growth, both individually and collectively.
i often wonder if those of us who frequent the divine cosmos forums are sharing our ideas now so that we will be able to provide reassurance for others who are not aware of what is going to happen in the next few years. as changes occur, people who are not expecting it are likely to panic so i feel that we all will have a role to play in helping others adapt to their changing circumstances. so many people i know don't believe in anything beyond this physical existence but you would certainly think that in the lead up to 2012 things will be revealed that are beyond people's imaginations.
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