Bless our Food, give thanks to Life
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02-20-2008, 09:20 PM
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Oct 2005
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hi, rhonda
i agree with your thoughts!
lets give back to the lifes that gives us our day to day energy and well being, in the form of food. may i ask each of you to bless the food that you eat. all types of food that once was living.
we may not be able to fix or react to each and every unkind act, but we can give our own love by blessing each meal as we receive it day by day.
i'm reminded that -- early on in my life when the food was being blessed, and thanks given to almighty god -- i couldn't help but wonder why we were not also giving thanks to the individual cow, or chicken, etc., who had their life experiences cut short in order to expedite our own.
later on in my life i was touched by hearing accounts of how respectfully the american indians related to their food source. it seemed to me they had a more comprehensive view that filled in the gap between the micro and the macro. personally, if i ran into a group of hungry cannibals, i would feel somewhat better about the experience if they would include a prayerful nod concerning my personal contribution to the cusine -- beyond that of merely taking a short cut by giving all credit to mighty malukani, lord of the gastric juices for dumping me in their path.
the whole concept of blessing has been gaining a lot of momentum especially by the works of dr. masaru emoto, author of "messages of water". ( david wilcock has discussed this subject) since water constitutes something on the order of 70% of our body weight, and goes through us like, well, umm...water, it is vitally important we make sure it is of the highest quality.
an important aspect is to bless it. emoto found that merely using a positive inscription stuck on a bottle increased its quality multifold. this positively charged water even has benefits downstream in that it acts as a seeding agent in its ability to upgrade other water.
i made a seemingly silly title comment about blessing bathwater. but, surprise, the idea must be taken seriously. our bodies absorb a tremendous amount of whatever from water...a quick shower can result in much more deadly chlorine being absorbed via our largest organ (skin ) than what we get through drinking. i would imagine that the same distinction could apply to the positive energy structuring blessed, drink it and swim in it!
i do use specially filtered water, and am now experimenting with a water ionizer (alkaline water) on my water filter cannister and all my water bottles, etc. i have taped on such mottos as love, peace, harmony, gratitude, kindness ... now, i may not have the spiritual density of a dr.emoto, but my good intention has gotta help somewhat.
i recently saw a piece related to the processing of beef and the uncaring, heartless acts against sick or weak cattle. it was so hard to believe and witness such a terrible lack of compassion for all of life during this man made process that involves time and money.
yes, that really tears at my spirit. someone mentioned that they don't eat anything that has a face. that's a nice sentiment, but some don't do well without meat despite good intentions. ghandi and his followers tried to eliminate flesh foods but that experiment was followed by disasterous results to their health ... but that is whole differet subject!
so, be kind to our 2nd density friends....and that includes the bodies we are borrowing during this sojurn. it has been mentioned that our bodies are 2nd density animals, and the strange truth seems to be that they have sacrificed their life to facilitate our spiritual adventure.
thanks for reading...billybob (the container part for butterball)
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