Bless our Food, give thanks to Life
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02-22-2008, 08:20 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
wow, this thread was just what i needed. i have been in a stupor- i used to love the simple grace my mother used to say at dinner:
bless us o lord and these thy gifts which we are about to receive from thy bounty.
i too, have neglected the practice, and i have read about the water stuff also. i will make up labels right away!
the colored bottles is an attractive idea but i would caution that plastic is very unreliable as to safety - hormone disrupters/carcinogens now found to leak even out of nalgene. i personally have decided to go with glass, which supposedly increases the positive qualities of the water when exposed to sun, whereas with plastic it is quite the opposite and sun should never be allowed to shine on plastic bottles for long, as it increases the leaching manyfold.
i am convinced that vegetarianism isn't really healthy, but i try never to buy meat that has come from factory farms. at restaurants that will of course not be the case - but i mostly go to the health food store hot bar and they have assured me no animals are overconfined.
i buy only raw milk products from pastured cows. and the nutrient quality is much higher. ditto for eggs. only happy chickens. the person i buy my eggs from says she "lets the girls out to play" from about noon till dusk every day.
i would be thrilled to live in a way that does not involve eating meat because i love animals so much, even insects.
i feel sure 4th density will not require heavy food or heavy bodies.
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