Prophecy, Spirit and the Dreamtime: The Last Frontier
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02-21-2008, 07:28 AM
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Oct 2005
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Prophecy, Spirit and the Dreamtime: The Last Frontier
dear friends,
nice from jay...
be well, be love.
the mythology of our modern, high-tech culture teaches us that the last frontier for humanity is outer space. somehow, according to this emerging mythos, the fragile human body is supposed to be able to survive the rigors of travel in outer space over vast distances. the writers of science fiction and star trek television shows would have us believe that human beings can endure through every kind of radiation and danger to successfully colonize other planets and solar systems.
but this notion, besides being nearly impossible, is also never going to happen. the last frontier of humanity is not the conquering of outer space, of other planets and solar systems. the last frontier is time.
space is defined by the three dimensional reality that surrounds us. it is height, width and depth. we humans possess the most spectacular display of physical and mental abilities to conquer three-dimensional space ever devised in nature. humans have conquered the entire planet’s biosphere. there are people living in the coldest environments imaginable and in the hottest tropical jungles. there is no more mystery left concerning our planet. we can travel to any place on earth now. as this age ends there will be only one mystery left for us to ponder. the last mystery is the mystery of time.
our memories of the past become like dreams if we let them cook long enough. the events of the past are repainted in our memories until their very reality loses its solidity. our remembrances frequently slide into a fantasy disconnected from anything tangible. how often have we encountered someone who remembers an incident in a completely opposite manner from the way we remember it? the brain appears to be constantly rewriting history to make it more agreeable to our present day wishes. incidents in the past that are disturbing or frightening are frequently glossed over in our memory until they disappear only to be replaced by a memory that is more easily digested by consciousness.
our view of the future works in a similar but opposite texture. whereas the past begins to become a dream within our memories, the future is the dream that has not arrived yet. when someone is successful we like to say that they “lived their dreams”. this cliché reveals an intrinsic understanding that present and future reality is created from the dream state of the past.
this idea dovetails with the central belief of the aborigines of australia. the essential teaching from that tradition is that everything in our world begins in the dreamtime. from their perspective, the aborigines believed that every thought, every action began in an ephemeral landscape that appears to surround our material world, which they called the dreamtime. according to this tradition each living thing first begins in the dreamtime. after it has become fully developed in the dreamtime it then concretizes and becomes a part of our three dimensional reality.
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