Paranormal phenomena; is it my grandma?
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12-29-2007, 05:51 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
hi, anupama, what an interesting story!
in my personal experiences with non-physical entities, i've found telepathy to be the most reliable means of communication. they all have a kind of energy signature, and you can learn to kind of tune in to it. once you perceive it somewhat clearly, just pay attention to all the nuances and variations, and you can learn to receive messages this way.
there is usually some kind of energetic connection, and if the connection is to you or your family there is probably some thing that they are trying to communicate, especially if it happens more than once. however it can also be a connection to the place you are in. perhaps they lived there for a time and just like to come visit, occasionally even seemingly without realizing it.
i have at times addressed these entities when they appeared where i was living because i consider this 'my space'. often they are startled, almost as if they didn't realize they were still there. or maybe they were just startled when they realized that i knew they were there.
the loud noises suggest that they are trying to get your attention for some reason. perhaps they are indeed just old relatives dropping in to say hello, but if it happens more than once i would think that something more is going on.
one thing you could try is to have some type of voice recorder running when they seem to appear. sometimes you can ask questions and the answers can be heard on a recording, even when you don't hear anything at the time.
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