With an open heart
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02-14-2008, 06:51 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
but now i feel that as if my heart is closing on me once more, wanting to escape this feeling of pain, goíng back to the numbness. i know this may sound egocentrical of me. i am not the one how should be felt sorry for. but how do you keep an opened heart in this day and age??? i would not advise anyone to keep their heart center wide open all the time. i had trouble with this too, especially when i was younger. it seemed like everyone was always saying 'open your heart!' and when i was sitting there in meditation it felt great, but when i went about my day like this, i would sometimes just get hit with a shockwave of energy that felt like i'd just got run over with a truck!
debbie, i think you got a big hit when you said
"it is when i don't have the love flowing out of my heart that i seem to be absorbing negative energy..."
balance is the key, or at least a very large part of it, because it's much harder to
negative energy when you are radiating positive energy outward.
there are also steps you can take to protect yourself, like simply asking for protection, and/or keeping yourself surrounded with white light of protection. every time you think of this protective egg of white light, you strengthen it.
one method that has been most effective for me is to just make yourself invisible to the lower vibrations of denser energy, because sometimes when you try to block it or resist, it seems to only draw their attention and makes it worse. like the karate kid's teacher said, "best defense... no be there!" (or at least make it appear that way.)
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