Need help with bad feelings
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07-02-2008, 03:25 PM
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Oct 2005
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i thank you all for the advice. i do realize that her personality and some qualities are completely opposite of mine. this is why i have a hard time liking her. she lives life totally opposite of the way i do, in some respects.
so far, i've tried visualizing the two of them breaking up just so she would be out of our lives, but that probably isnt the best way to approach the situation. now i'll try to do as you suggest and imagine what her life will be like in the near future. i'm sure this will help me find the compassion im seeking.
what i don't understand is why it is so hard for me to like her. i'm an assistant teacher in a preschool and i deal with so many different personalities, but i'm always able to accept the children for who they are. and i love them for who they are. i've even learned to forgive myself and them for mistakes that we may have made during the course of the day. btw, this is crucial when dealing with someone diagnosed with add/adhd.
i'm starting to think the issue might not be with her at all, but with my brother. i don't agree with his lifestyle at all and i've distanced myself from him for it.
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