Coincidence - Can't Be
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06-02-2008, 10:28 AM
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Oct 2005
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Coincidence - Can't Be
a strange coincidence happened yesterday at work (i work as a gas station attendant). i was standing at my register and looked down by the monitor and saw a wheat penny so i picked it up to check the date and it was dated 1919. i thought it was kind of cool since most of the coins i get, particularly wheat pennies aren’t dated much further than 1941. that very instant a girl walks up to the register and asks to buy a pack of cigarettes. i for no reason decided to show her the penny i just found. as i’m ringing up the sale, i said, “speaking of old coins, about six months ago someone brought in an 1885 or 95 liberty silver dollar and bought a box of tobacco with it. i couldn’t believe they did that.” she said, “yeah that’s crazy”. i grabbed her two dollar bills and a pile of change to put it in the register and she walked out the door with her cigarettes. i look down and in the pile of change is an old 1897 liberty silver dollar, in great condition! so did she not know she had a 111 year old coin, or was she playing dumb because she didn’t want to look like a fool while i was talking about it? either way…this is a strange coincidence considering i haven’t talked about that coin to anyone and the one day i decide to talk about it, a random customer pops one down on the counter…
even after the fact that i was just talking about how someone could do that
. if this isn’t just a coincidence, then i believe i was led to tell her about the coin for a reason. maybe she stole the coin from someone who had attachment to it or was a good friend and because i was talking about the coin, it gave her the message that it wasn’t right. or not, but she’s probably considering the odds of someone randomly talking about her current situation while currently unaware that the situation is going on. that wheat penny being put there caused a one in a million odds chance that i would talk about that one coin to this one customer on this one particular day where she just so happens to be carrying a coin just like it. is there a reason behind it? maybe it is a coincidence but then maybe not. it's not so strange when you think about how we are truly living in a divine cosmos!
makes you wonder?
on one more note…later last night, i was thinking about the coin and coincidences and i picked up my cell phone and it was 11:11. i wasn’t going to check the time, i just picked up my phone and looked at it. ok…whatever, i thought to myself. then the thought came to mind, if this all isn’t coincidental then i can add the numbers on the two coins and if i come up with something harmonic or double then ok. well i forgot but the wheat penny was 1919. right off the bat...doubles. so i take 1919 and subtract 1897 and get 22. doubles again! 11 and 11 in numerology can equal 2 and 2. and the coin is 111 years old. also, one 1 cent and one 1 dollar (if you want to get that far into it i guess). is this trying to tell me something too? ah…it helps me confirm that there are greater forces out there.
and maybe it is telling her the same thing.
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