Making the Transition
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01-27-2008, 05:30 PM
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Oct 2005
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Making the Transition
dear friends,
i haven't posted much here because i've been busy soaking up the wisdom and knowledge that all of you have so graciously been willing to share.
i'm hesitant to throw this out there but i need some direction... i come from a christian background and since i don't consider myself to be a "sheeple" i was never one who just took what i heard, in church or reading christian based books, or classes, etc..., at face value. i always checked things out and really studied to see if it was truth, and i believe when we sincerely seek the truth we are shown it, hence why i'm here at divine cosmos... i was led here step by step, not a coincidence...
this email is for those of you who have broken free from the confines and dogma of religion... the fear and guilt i was feeling for so long just got to be too much, plus i knew in my heart of hearts that there was more to god, our creator, and this universe, and our planet's history, than what i was being taught. knowing what i know about the bible based on all of the digging and studying i've done, i see much truth there-in especially in the words and teachings of jesus... what an amazing guy, so full of love and truth.
so my struggle lies in trying to take all of what i know and believe and am as a "christian" and connecting it to all of this... what we're learning about and sharing here. so for those of you who have a background similar to mine... what have you done to make peace within yourselves and to make sense of all of what we're learning?
blessings and thank you,
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