Making the Transition
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01-29-2008, 12:47 PM
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Oct 2005
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i too grew up in a christian religion and have constantly all my life been searching for more spiritual truth.i have read everything i can on this site and of david's and it resonates with truth in me.i found this site quite by accident or synchronicity.i had been reading a lot of edgar cayce's books and 1 day happened to come across a link on a forum that led me to project camelot which then i came to this site.i have had to reconcile lots of beliefs i have always had with what i have learned and have to reject some of belief is that several things possibly happened with the bible.first as we all know a lot of it has not been translated correctly.some of it has been edited out on purpose because of fear.i believe also that a lot of what was taught was just plain not understood in that time and so was written how these people understood it for their time and so is not a real honest view of the teachings but not on purpose just in not understanding.i do believe their was a great teacher but whether his actual name was jesus there seems to be some dispute about but i don't think that really matters.if you study a lot near death experiences most people seem to meet someone that they take to probably be jesus and these people are not all christians some are even atheist.i know a lot of people do not put much stock in nde's but i study them because to me they may be one of the closest ways to learn what happens after we leave are is a great link that talks a lot about the bible,nde's and reincarnation in the bible that was edited out.i personally believe a lot of the reason for fear in hell and sin was because that may have been all the people understood.i think these people could not just understand the good and love that they could have so they had to be taught that the bad would bring them down as a means of inducement to do good rather than just being taught for good on its own.that is just my own belief.
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